ABOUT USOur Doctors


Dr. Paul Saadi

Education & Experience
College & Residency

University of Maryland
Residency, Orthopedic Surgery

University of Maryland
Internship, Transitional Year

Sidney Kimmel Medical College
Medical School

Certifications & Licensure:

TX State Medical License
Active through 2022

KY State Medical License
Active through 2022

Dr. Paul Saadi has 20 years of experience in orthopedics since 1999. While in practice, he has focused much of his work on the utilization of state of the art technology to develop techniques using computer assistance and robotics to more accurately align and position joint replacement implants through minimally invasive exposures. This includes total and partial knee resurfacing, total hip replacement, and total and reverse shoulder replacement. He has been part of a design team for seven years culminating in the development and recent FDA approval of the first 3D planning and live comprehensive total shoulder computer navigation system in the world.